
Native OK 7/5 Weekly Newsletter

   The U.S. Supreme Court in Washington U.S. Supreme Court restores state criminal jurisdiction in Indian Country By Dustan Heistand Gaylord News WASHINGTON – The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday narrowed the impact of the historic 2020 ruling that restored reservations for six of the state’s Native American tribes. The Court’s  decision in Oklahoma v. Castro-Huerta  is the latest of a string of controversial rulings this term. In a 5-4 decision, the Court determined that the state can prosecute non-Native Americans for crimes committed on tribal land when the victim is Native. “ The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling today in Oklahoma v. Castro-Huerta is an alarming step backward for justice on our reservation in cases where non-Native criminals commit crimes against Native people” the Muscogee Nation said in a statement. “It hands jurisdictional responsibility in these cases to the State, which during its long…history of illegal jurisdiction on our reservation, routinely f...

Native OK 6/28 Weekly Newsletter

  Diana Gomez fills out a voter registration form at the Rock the Native vote tent at the Price Alliance festivities in Scissortail Park in Oklahoma City on Saturday (Paxson Haws/The Oklahoman) GET OUT AND VOTE! Native American groups help hundreds of new Oklahoma voters register ahead of primaries by  Molly Young After months of working to increase voter turnout among Native Americans, Oklahoma tribal leaders and voting advocacy groups will receive their first progress report Tuesday. The primary elections will also provide a road map of how much ground they have left to cover before November.  When is the primary election?  Everything you need to know about Oklahoma voting Lack of transportation and internet access, especially in rural Oklahoma, are two of the biggest barriers they are working to overcome to ensure Native Americans have a bigger political say. Rev. David Wilson, who directs the nonpartisan Rock the Native Vote, said another hurdle is explainin...